Personal Health

How Will You Pay for Long Term Care? – Part I


Many people are disappointed that the CLASS program will not be implemented as planned because it solved a real problem in our society.  CLASS was a government insurance plan intended to [...]

How Will You Pay for Long Term Care? – Part I2011-10-21T21:58:38-07:00

California’s Whooping Cough Epidemic


Are you aware that we're in the midst of a serious whooping cough epidemic?  Nearly 1500 cases have been reported in California so far this year, a 5 fold increase from [...]

California’s Whooping Cough Epidemic2018-01-03T12:48:20-08:00

What Can Be Done to Reduce Hospital Infections


Hospitals and surgical care centers are having difficulty controlling deadly infections contracted within their facilities.  As previously cited, 1 in 10 people hospitalized are affected and a total of 100,000 of [...]

What Can Be Done to Reduce Hospital Infections2018-01-04T09:03:19-08:00

Can Hospital Infections Wait?


Hospitals can cause deaths unrelated to your reason for being treated there. Infections contracted in the hospital in one year total 2 million people, result in 100,000 deaths and cost about [...]

Can Hospital Infections Wait?2018-01-03T12:49:47-08:00

Living Kidney Donor Registry


The California Senate is expected to vote this week on Senate Bill 1395 that would create the first living donor registry in the country. Sponsored by Senate Health Committee Chair Elaine [...]

Living Kidney Donor Registry2018-01-03T13:26:15-08:00

Health Care and Smartphones


A very interesting smartphone and heath care report was just released by Jane Sarasoh-Kahn of the California Healthcare Foundation. The focus of her report is the recent adoption of and use of smartphones by [...]

Health Care and Smartphones2018-01-03T12:54:46-08:00
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